Pros and Cons of Living On Campus vs Off Campus

college campus

Making the decision to live on or off campus is one of the biggest choices a college student will make. It can be a hard decision to determine which option is best for you, but we are here to help! This blog will talk about the pros and cons of both living options and help you decide which is right for you. So, let’s get started!

Do Freshmen Have to Live on Campus?

Most college freshmen are required to live on campus, but there are a few exceptions. If you are planning on living at home with your parents or other family members, you may need to get approval from your college or university. Some schools also allow students to live off campus if they are married, have children, or are over the age of 21. So be sure to check with your school’s housing office to see if you are eligible to live off campus.

What To Consider When Deciding Where to Live in College

In order to make the best decision, you need to consider what is most important for YOU. What are your priorities? Do you want a more social environment or do you prefer your own space? Do you like being close to campus or would it be better if there was some distance between home and school? If you have a car, is parking easy and affordable? Is public transportation accessible?

There are several factors to consider when choosing where to live – it can be overwhelming! But if you take the time to sit down and figure out what’s most important for you, the decision becomes a lot easier. And once you’ve found your perfect place, you can start making it feel like home.

Living Off Campus

Living off campus has both benefits and drawbacks. On the one hand, you have more independence and freedom; on the other hand, you have to deal with things like commuting, rent, bills, and groceries. Here are a few of the pros and cons to consider when making your decision:

The Pros

Savings On Room and Board

One benefit of living off campus is that you can save on room and board. This is because you are not paying for a room and a meal plan like you would if you lived on campus. You can use this money to pay for other expenses, like rent and bills.

Increased Privacy and Freedom

Living off campus allows you to have more privacy and freedom than you would if you lived on campus. Off campus housing options range from apartment complexes to houses, giving you a variety of choices that fit your specific needs. Additionally, off campus living means you are not subject to the rules and regulations of on campus housing. This allows you more freedom to do what you want, when you want.

Learn How To Live Independently

Making the decision to live off campus allows you the opportunity to learn how to live more independently than if you lived on campus. This is because you are responsible for things such as your own groceries, rent, and utilities. You also have to manage your own time, which can help you develop better time management skills.

Chance To Develop New Social Networks

Living off campus also allows you the chance to develop new social networks that you may not have had the opportunity to have if you lived on campus. You’ll be able to meet people from different backgrounds and walks of life.

The Cons

You’re Responsible For Your Own Living Expenses

The main downside of living off campus is that you are responsible for your own living expenses. This includes things like rent, bills, and groceries. This can be a lot of responsibility, and it’s important to make sure you are able to afford it and are good at managing your budget.

You Will Need To Cook and Clean For Yourself

If you live off campus, you can’t take advantage of the on campus dining halls. This means you have to either cook for yourself or eat out, which can be expensive. You also are responsible for your own cleaning. This can be difficult if you’re not used to doing it and it can take up a lot of time.

You’re Further From Campus

Another downside of living off campus is that you are further from campus. The proximity to campus can make it difficult to get to classes and events, and you may have to rely on public transportation or your own car. 

Maintenance and Repairs Are Your Responsibility

When living in an off-campus apartment or house, you are responsible for any maintenance or repairs that need to be done. This can be difficult and time-consuming, and it can be hard to find someone to do the work at a reasonable price. Additionally, if something breaks down or needs fixing, you may have to wait a while for it to be fixed.

Living On Campus

Choosing to live on campus is a great experience for many students because it offers a variety of benefits. However, there are also some disadvantages to living on campus as well. Here are the pros and cons of living on campus to consider when making your decision:

The Pros

Easier Access To Campus Resources 

One benefits of living on campus is that it allows you easier access to campus resources such as the library, dining hall, and activities. This is especially convenient for freshmen who are new to the campus and may not know where everything is yet.

Can Make It Easier To Meet New People

Students living in university housing are more likely to get involved in campus activities and meet new people since they have more opportunities to do so. Living on campus can also make it easier to develop close relationships with other students since you’ll be around them more often.

Opportunities For Involvement in Campus Life

Living on campus provides you with more opportunities to be aware of campus activities and to get more involved in college life. You’ll be able to meet new people, develop close relationships with other students, and participate in a variety of activities and events.

Higher Level of Safety and Security

Living on campus can help to provide you with a higher level of safety and security than living off campus. On-campus residents are more likely to know their neighbors, and there are often security patrols on campus at night. Additionally, campuses are often in safer neighborhoods than off-campus apartments.

The Cons

Dorms Can Be Noisy and Lack Privacy

While living on campus has many benefits, one of the cons is that dorms can be noisy and you don’t have a lot of privacy. This can make it difficult to get enough sleep or to focus on studying. Additionally, if you’re sharing a room with someone else, you may not always have the privacy you need.

You May Have To Share a Bathroom

Another con of living in a dorm is that you may have to share a bathroom with other students. This can be difficult if you need to get ready for class early in the morning or if you want to take a long shower. Additionally, it can be difficult to get privacy in a shared bathroom.

You May Not Get Along Well With Your Roommates

When living in a dorm, you run the risk that you may not get along with your roommate. This can happen if you’re sharing a room with someone you don’t know very well. You may end up arguing about things like who should clean the room or who should do the dishes. When you’re not getting along with your roommates, it can make living in a dorm very stressful.

Dorms Can Be Far From Your Classes 

Another potential downside of living in a dorm is that the dorms can be located far from your classes. This means that you’ll have to walk or take a bus to get to class. 

Living On Campus vs Off Campus – Which Should You Choose?

Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of living on campus vs off-campus, which one should you choose? Ultimately, the decision of where to live in college depends on your individual needs and preferences. Do your research and weigh your options to make the best decision for you.


Melissa Wilson

Melissa is the Editor-and-Chief at All College Talk and has been involved in the higher education industry for over a decade. She has a passion for writing about topics that will provide insight for current college students as well as prospective students.

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