How Many Clubs Should I Join in College?

group of college students

College is a great time to explore new hobbies and join clubs. But how many clubs should you join? At first, it may seem to be a simple question, but the answer is actually harder than it seems. No matter your interest, there is a club for you. But with so many different clubs available, it might be difficult to decide which ones to join. How do you decide? 

Why Join a Club in College

The majority of your time at college is spent going to classes and studying. Because club activities often require participation outside of the normal school hours it is easy for students to think they don’t have enough time to participate meaningfully. But that’s not the case. Club activities can be time-consuming but they provide many benefits that can’t be found anywhere else. 

There are a lot of great reasons for joining a club in college. College clubs are a great way to get out of the classroom, make new friends, follow your passions, develop career skills and get more involved in campus life. Clubs provide a great meeting space for like-minded people to connect, share their work, and assist one another in advancing their skills. Joining a club can help you start networking with people who might be able to help you in your career. You never know who you might get to know, and they might be in a position to help you out later on. 

How Many Clubs Should You Join?

The number of student clubs and groups you join is entirely up to you. There is no official guideline for how many clubs or extracurricular activities one should participate in. Some students only join one club, while others are involved in several. You should consider your personal and professional hobbies as well as academic aims before making a decision.

You also might want to be thinking about how much time you can commit to clubs. Your course load and personal responsibilities might change over time. For example, during your first semester in college, you may have more free time to join clubs; but during your second year, you might have more classes or be working part-time. 

Common Types of Clubs in College

Many colleges provide a range of clubs, so there’s something for everyone. In general, the most popular sorts of clubs offered at schools fall into one of these categories: 


Academic clubs are popular for college students. They are groups that focus on a specific subject or major. Almost any major has a club related to it. These clubs are helpful because they help you connect with other students who are studying the same thing. Many of these clubs also can help you network with professionals in your field, which is important for future careers. 


Students who join sports or athletic groups are usually enthusiastic about the sport, but they are less likely to participate at a competitive level. Most colleges offer a broad range of sports clubs which allow students the chance to socialize with other college students who have the same passion for the sport that you do. Sports clubs can help relieve stress and have fun. They can also help students from different backgrounds connect with each other at colleges across the country. 


Another club that is popular on college campuses is service organizations. These clubs allow students to give back to the community by volunteering their time and resources. Participating in a service club may also look good on resumes when applying for work after graduation. There are all sorts of different service clubs, so there’s likely one that interests you. For example, there are environmental clubs, animal welfare clubs, health-related clubs, and many more

Creative Arts

Creative arts clubs are a great way for students to express themselves and explore their creative side. These clubs provide a place where students can come together and share their work with others who have similar interests. Joining a creative arts club can help you start networking with people in your field, and it’s an easy way to meet new potential friends. 


If you are passionate about social issues and want to pursue a career in politics, you should join a political club in college. Student government groups are a great example of this. They give students the opportunity to think about and discuss policy changes, and then work toward making these changes happen on campus. After graduation, they can continue this work at the local, state, and national levels. 

Community Service 

If you want to make a difference on a local level or devote your efforts to a larger cause, consider joining a community service club. Students may use these clubs to focus their energies on service-oriented projects and perhaps even full-time jobs. There are community service organizations dedicated to children, the elderly, underserved populations, animals, the environment, and other causes. 

Fine Arts 

Do you produce or create artwork, or are you passionate about the arts or theater? You should join a fine arts club if you say yes to either of these questions. Most colleges have a variety of fine arts clubs that students can join. These clubs allow students to explore their creative side and network with other people who have similar interests. Joining a fine arts club is a great way to meet new friends, build your talents, and start creating connections in your field. 

Media & Publications 

Do you want to create or publish something? The great thing about media and publication clubs like the student newspaper is that they allow people from all over the campus to work together. More important, after graduating, you will get practical experience that looks great on your resume. Media and publication clubs are a key part of a mass media career. 


You can join cultural clubs in college to interact with people from the same background as you, and to share similar views. A lot of foreign students in the United States may feel scared when they first get here because of the culture shock. Joining a cultural group can help them feel more comfortable. Most colleges in the United States have many clubs that focus on different cultures. 


With so many different students, many diverse religions and belief systems can be found. Faith-based clubs allow students to explore their spiritual side and network with other people who have similar beliefs. These types of clubs and organizations are usually incorporated into those of the same faith or religion who wish to gather for various reasons. They can be performed employing a variety of methods, including a gospel choir, fellowship, or a religious faith club. 

How to Know Which Clubs to Join 

There are clubs available at nearly every college, and each one has its own requirements. Some larger universities may even have hundreds of options to choose from. Some people may think this is overwhelming since they have limited time on their schedule and want to narrow down their choices. One way to help figure out which clubs to join is by attending a club fair. 

Many colleges hold club fairs at the start of the year to allow you an opportunity to learn more about what they represent and what is required. Another approach to figure out which clubs you should join is to consider things that pique your interest or that you liked doing in high school. This may be a good place to start when it comes to deciding which clubs you want to participate in. You can also join a club if there’s anything you’ve always wanted to attempt or get educated about, as long as you enjoy it. 


Community service clubs can be a great way to make an impact in your local community. Cultural clubs are also important for people that may feel lost or scared when they first come to the United States from abroad. Faith-based organizations offer you opportunities and connections with others who share your beliefs, no matter what those beliefs might be. Media and publications will give you practical experience after graduation as well as help build skills needed for many careers today. Whatever your interests may be, there is at least one club on campus that suits them perfectly! If you’re not sure where to begin, you can talk to your school’s career center or advisor for suggestions on how many clubs are available.

Melissa Wilson

Melissa is the Editor-and-Chief at All College Talk and has been involved in the higher education industry for over a decade. She has a passion for writing about topics that will provide insight for current college students as well as prospective students.

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