How to Deal with Homesickness in College

students in dorm

College can be tough. You’re away from home for the first time, you’re meeting new people and trying to figure out what you want to do with your life. One of the most common problems that students face is homesickness. If you’re feeling homesick, don’t worry – you’re not alone! In this blog post, we’ll discuss what it means to be homesick in college and how to deal with it.

What Does Homesickness Feel Like

When you’re homesick, it feels like there’s a hole in your heart. You miss your friends and family, and you feel like you’re a million miles away from home. You may feel isolated or lonely and may find it difficult to concentrate on your studies. You could also experience physical symptoms like nausea or headaches.

Homesickness is normal and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s important to keep in mind that everyone deals with homesickness in their own way. Some people may feel homesick for a few days. While others who may already be suffering from depression or anxiety may experience it for weeks or even months.

Is it Normal to be Homesick at College

It is normal to feel homesick during your first few weeks of college. This is because you are adjusting to a new environment and new routine and are missing the people and things that are familiar to you. Also, going away to college is the first time you will be on your own, which can be both exciting and scary.

How to Deal with Homesickness in College

It’s common to miss your family and friends when you’re away at college. And you’re leaving the only home you’ve ever known, which for many students is a pretty big adjustment. But, the good news is that there are ways to deal with homesickness so it doesn’t become a major problem. Here are tips to help you combat feeling homesick:

Know you are not alone

Homesickness can be an isolating feeling, but you need to know you are not alone. Many of your new college friends are probably feeling the same way. In fact, the majority of first-year college students report feeling homesick during their first few weeks away at school.

Stay busy

Make sure you are staying busy with classes, homework, extracurricular activities and most importantly making time for fun. A packed schedule will help keep your mind off things.

Get involved on campus

One great way to feel more connected to your college is to get involved. Join a club or intramural sports team. There are also volunteer opportunities available on most campuses.

Keep in touch

Schedule regular phone calls or video chats with your family and friends back home. But don’t dwell on things, remember you are experiencing new and exciting things too!

Create a new routine

Creating a new daily routine is a great way to help combat homesickness. This could involve setting regular times for studying, eating and socializing. Having a set schedule will help you feel more in control and will minimize the time you spend thinking about home.

Get familiar with your new surroundings

When you first arrive on campus, take the time to explore your new surroundings. Get to know the campus map and find your way around. Take a walk around the town and get to know the businesses and restaurants. When you feel comfortable with your surroundings, it will be easier to combat any feelings of homesickness.

Stay in touch with family and friends back home

One of the best ways to combat homesickness is to stay in touch with family and friends back home. You can do this through phone calls, video chats or even letters. When you are able to keep in touch with the people you care about most, it will be easier to cope with being away at college. Plus, hearing about all the fun you are having will make them feel better too.

Decorate your dorm

Another way to make the college transition a little easier is to decorate your room to make it feel like home. This could involve putting up photos of your family and friends, hanging up your favorite posters or placing some cozy blankets on your bed. When your dorm feels more like home, it will be easier to combat any feelings of homesickness.

Talk to someone

Finally, don’t be hesitant to reach out and talk to somebody about how you’re feeling. Talking openly and honestly is a key part of coping with homesickness. Whether you talk to a friend, family member, counselor or doctor, getting your feelings out will help you feel better.

In Conclusion

Homesickness can be tough, but it’s important to remember that homesickness is normal and you will adjust with time. Be patient and give yourself time to settle in. With time and effort, you will adjust to college life and be able to call your new school home.


How Does Homesickness Affect College Students?

College students who are homesick may have trouble sleeping, eating, or concentrating. They may also miss class or withdraw from social activities.

How Long Does Homesickness Last?

Homesickness is a normal feeling and most college students adjust within a few days or weeks. However, some students may struggle with homesickness for months or even years.

What Percentage of College Students Get Homesick?

According to a study by the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, around 70% of college students get homesick to some extent during their first semester of college.

Should You Go Home If You Are Homesick?

Some students find that going home for a break helps them feel better and more connected to their home life, while others find that returning home only makes them feel more homesick and isolated when they go back to campus.

How Often Should College Students Go Home?

Most college students should go home at least once a semester to spend time with their families. If you are feeling homesick you may have the urge to go home more often. Additionally, college students should go home for the holidays to spend time with their families.

Melissa Wilson

Melissa is the Editor-and-Chief at All College Talk and has been involved in the higher education industry for over a decade. She has a passion for writing about topics that will provide insight for current college students as well as prospective students.

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