21 Healthy Snacks to Help You Study

college students with healthy snacks

When it comes to studying, college students need all the help they can get. That’s where snacks come in. What you eat can have a major impact on your ability to focus and learn. That’s why we have put together this list of the best snacks for college students who want to study better. These healthy snacks will give you the energy and focus you need to power through those late-night study sessions.

What Are Brain Food Snacks?

While there isn’t such thing as a true “brain food,” eating a healthy diet is important for overall cognitive health. A balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help protect the brain from damage and disease. Getting enough exercise and sleep are also critical for maintaining cognitive health. So, while you may not be able to single out any one food as a “brain food,” eating healthy snacks is your best bet for keeping your brain health in top shape.

Best Study Snacks

College students are always looking for the best ways to study better. One way is by eating a healthy snack before you start. These healthy snacks for college students will help with energy and cognitive function to help you better focus while you are studying.

Peanut Butter

One of the best snacks for studying is peanut butter. Peanut butter is packed with protein, which is essential for cognitive function. Peanut butter also contains healthy fats that help to keep your energy levels up. Spread some peanut butter on a piece of whole-wheat toast for a nutritious snack that will help you focus on your studies.

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Another great option for a brain food snack is fresh fruits and vegetables. These nutritious snacks are high in vitamins and minerals, which help to keep your mind sharp. Choose different fruits and vegetables to mix things up and get the most benefit from them. Carrots, celery, berries, apples, oranges, and strawberries are all excellent choices for a healthy snack to help you study.


Yogurt is full of protein and calcium, both of which are essential for cognitive function. It also contains B vitamins, which help to improve your mood and increase your energy levels. Choose a greek yogurt because they are lower in sugar.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are great snacks and are packed with healthy fats, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Nuts and seeds help to improve your cognitive function and memory. Choose a variety of different nuts and seeds to get the most benefit from them. Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, and sunflower seeds are all great choices.


Cereal is another excellent option for a healthy study snack. Cereal is packed with fiber, which help keep your energy levels up. It also contains B vitamins, which help to improve your mood and increase your energy levels. Many kinds of cereal are full of artificial ingredients and high in sugar, so make sure to choose a healthy option.


Oatmeal is packed with fiber, which helps to keep your energy levels up. It also contains B vitamins, which help to improve your mood and increase your energy levels. Oatmeal is an easy and great choice for a healthy snack to help you study.

Protein bars

Protein bars are packed with protein, which is essential for cognitive function. They also contain healthy fats and fiber, which help to keep your energy levels up. Choose a protein bar that is high in fiber and low in sugar for the best results.

Fruit juices

Fruit juices are another excellent option for a brain food snack. Fruit juices are packed with vitamins and minerals, which help to keep your mind sharp. Many juices use fruit concentrate so be sure to check the label to make sure you’re getting 100% juice.


Water is the ultimate brain food snack. Water helps to keep energy levels up and improve your overall cognitive function. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and improve your overall health.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate comes with many healthy benefits. These include reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as improving cognitive function which helps when studying. Dark chocolate is also a great source of antioxidants and helps boost endorphins.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are a good source of fiber and nutrients. They can also be a healthy snack choice. Some dried fruits contain added sugar, so it is important to read the label carefully.


If you’re looking for a healthy dip or spread, hummus is a great option. It’s high in protein and fiber, and it’s also low in fat and calories. Plus, it’s easy to make at home with just a few simple ingredients. Give it a try next time you’re looking for a healthy snack while studying.


If you want a quick and easy snack while you’re studying, popcorn is a great option. It’s high in fiber and low in calories. Plus, it’s easy to make at home with just a few simple ingredients. Give it a try next time you’re feeling hungry and need a snack.

Protein Shake

A protein shake is another great option for a healthy and delicious snack. Protein shakes are packed with protein, which is essential for cognitive function. Protein shakes also contain healthy fats and fiber, which help to keep your energy levels up.

Whole Grain Crackers

When it comes to snacking, there are very few things as satisfying as a crunchy cracker. And when that cracker is made with whole-grain flour, you can feel good about indulging in your afternoon pick-me-up.


Edamame is a nutritious snack that is high in protein and fiber. It’s also a good source of vitamins and minerals. Edamame is easy to prepare and can be enjoyed as a healthy snack or side dish.

Kale Chips

Kale chips are a great, healthy snack option to have while studying. While store-bought kale chips can be expensive, they are very easy to make at home. All you need is kale, some olive oil, and your favorite seasonings.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a great quick snack to have. You can eat it plain, or add fruit, nuts, or even savory toppings. Not only is it a low-calorie snack, it is also full of protein and calcium.


If you have never tried guacamole, you should give it a try. Avocados are one of the best sources of healthy fats, fiber, and vitamins. And if you are looking for a healthy and flavorful snack, guacamole is a great option.

Hard-boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are a healthy and convenient snack that can be enjoyed at any time of day. They are also a good source of protein and contain many other nutrients that are beneficial for your health.

Beef jerky

Beef jerky is a high-protein, low-carbohydrate snack that provides lasting energy while you study. It contains many of the essential amino acids your body needs to function optimally. Beef jerky is also very low in carbohydrates, making it a perfect snack for people on a ketogenic or low-carb diet.


As you can see, there are several different healthy and delicious options for brain food snacks. So next time you’re looking for a snack, why not give one of these a try? You may just find that they help to improve your cognitive function and energy levels.


Melissa Wilson

Melissa is the Editor-and-Chief at All College Talk and has been involved in the higher education industry for over a decade. She has a passion for writing about topics that will provide insight for current college students as well as prospective students.

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